2014 APBA Convention

As stated in the APBA Games Newsletter published today, the intent is to hold a single elimination, eight person APBA Football tournament at the convention this year. All rules associated with sections I and II of the APBA Pro Football Board Game Master Game Addition will be adhered to with the exception that player injuries will NOT carry over to the next game. Regardless, if there is a tournament or not, there will be plenty of time to talk about “APBA Football”, play pick up Face-to-Face games, observe Ray Dunlap demonstrate his famous “Match-up System”, discuss various innovations or be bored watching me play a quarter or two.

I’m trying to convince Denny Hodge to make the pilgrimage to Atlanta. Anyone who has ever visited the Delphi forums has read one of his many excellent replays. He is currently cranking out a 1966 NFL replay which is tremendous to follow. The single elimination tourney should be completed by midday Sunday which would leave Denny ample time to demonstrate or talk about his “Score and Store” creation. Trust me when I say that APBA Football has NOT seen anything like it to date and this is coming from a “pen and paper” guy.

My one regret is the convention falls on the same date as Geoff Giordano’s mother’s birthday. With this said, he most likely will not be able to attend the convention. In my humble opinion, Geoff has done more for the APBA Football community with his “APBA Football Club” on Facebook or the first class event he sponsored last August at the Pro Football Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio than anyone I know.

In closing, please, email me at oguard62@yahoo.com if you are interested in playing in the tournament. Let me know what team you will be bringing to the tournament. At this time, the only team taken is the 1999 St. Louis Rams. One can always ask “Hall of Famer” Greg Wells how they stack up. I hope to hear from you soon.

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